Fast Track to a Better Me: My Fasting Chronicles

Fueling my body with purpose: Fasting is a key player in my journey to self-improvement. I've dug deep and uncovered all the benefits, and I can't wait to share my findings with you soon! For now, let me show you how I'm crushing my fasting game.

Day Activity
Monday Tummy Time-Out!
Tuesday 6 Hour Window
Wednesday 6 Hour Window
Thursday 6 Hour Window
Friday 6 Hour Window
Saturday 6 Hour Window
Sunday Tummy Time-Out!

Last Update: February 5, 2023.
I'm keeping my approach to fasting simple. On days when I do eat, I aim to finish my last meal six hours after my first. This eating window may vary day-to-day depending on my schedule, but I'm working towards establishing a consistent routine. My focus is to consume as much nourishing food as I can within this brief window, as I don't wish to lose weight during my two days of fasting on Sundays and Mondays. This approach also gives me the flexibility to enjoy myself on Friday and Saturday nights, without worrying too much about what I eat.